10 random things / by Christina Rosalie

1) This reminded me how much fun it is to write an utterly random list.

2) Things I am into this month: pomegranates, this soap, making homemade granola, Scrubs on tivo, hearing my son giggle, and remembering to make time for the stack of books on my nightstand.

2) Sitting down and beginning anything—a manuscript, a book, my to do list—is the hardest part.

3) When we ripped out a wall in the bathroom upstairs, we found a Dr. Pepper bottle from 1976. It sits on the windowsill in my studio now.

4) Guilty web pleasures.

5) I am procrastinating about working on a manuscript right now.

6) I love Tahitian vanilla ice cream.

7) I’m adore this orange infused dark chocolate. Dark chocolate can do no wrong anyway--but with a hint of orange? Reminds me of driving through southern California as a kid and smelling the heady scent of orange blossoms on the breeze.

8) I almost always choose wine by the label.

9) Violence towards women is something I have become deeply angry about, and I want to do more to affect change.

10) Even in winter, I like having bare feet. Radiant heat makes me happy, and so do my clogs.

Your turn. Write 10 random facts about you, right now—here or on your blog. If you post on your blog, leave your link here so I can check 'em out.