Here we are / by Christina Rosalie

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5 minutes:

After gnocchi, after meeting a new baby sitter and the boys nearly tilting each other out of the hammock while she explored the back yard with them, after waving goodbye to her and clearing the table, we go out front and let the day unwind. T and I with wine and a pale blue bowl of wasabi peas and some dark chocolate. We tell each other the small things. What happened in the moments we were a part.
Sprout carries out an armload of lego trucks. Bean comes with green bamboo, that he's busy snapping into sections. Every minute or so, he brings me another piece, insisting that I blow on it, coaxing a reedy note to lilt from its hollow core.
In grade school I played the silver flute. Though I hated private lessons, I was naturally good at coaxing a clear notes from that slender instrument and years later, my lips remember. With the bamboo, each note is new and soft, and when I play it, Bean's face lights up with a grin.I think of Pan, and of my favorite book in high school: Jitterbug Perfume.
In the rock garden, Sprout sets up roads. There is a miniature accident. A rescue. A bad guy. A cop.
The light softens. Down the street someone is playing basketball. The air smells sweet like peonies and lavender and roses. T and I are sitting close. I can feel the heat of his skin through my shirt. Crows land on the wires. Here we are.

    {The 5/5 Challenge: Day 1}