Pell-mell Tuesdays / by Christina Rosalie

Every minute of the day was allocated for something. Gah! Do you ever have days like that? I'm still getting the hang of it, and mostly I suck. If left to my own devices I'd be the haphazard, spontaneous, bohemian Aquarius that I am, to the core. I’d forget to eat, and then have pancakes for dinner; I’d write for hours on end and skip washing my hair; I’d sit in cafés to people watch past 10pm, and loose count swimming laps at the pool. But because I am not left to my own devices, I sometimes struggle to stay afloat of the waves of laundry, the books that need reading, the posts that need writing, the drafts that need revising, the kids that need shoe tying, and the small boy who needs smooching. Not to mention the big one. Who I feel like I've barely seen this week. I hate crossing paths, barely. I hate when we only sink into each other's arms in bed. When the entire day is parceled out.

Not all days are like this, but Tuesdays for some reason often are.

What was your Tuesday like? And also, what would you be like if left to your own devices?