Reflections / by Christina Rosalie

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Flower Strewn

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

Processed with VSCOcam with f2 preset

I noticed reflections all day, not on purpose exactly, but it matched the way I felt: a reflection of my usual self. More tired than usual, and also, I had the kind of headache that used to haunt me daily last year. I haven't had one in a while; the kind I can't shake no matter how much coffee or dark chocolate or tea I consume. The kind that comes, probably, from not moving enough. From sitting for 9 hours a day, and not doing yoga or running.
Of course I know better. We all know better, don't we?
The problem with knowing is that it's theoretical; it exists in our heads rather than in our bones. And it's listening to that slower wisdom that gets tricky when things go fast. When days speed up, when one day after the next becomes like the crows that abrupt and sudden lifting into the air.