Squam Art Workshops

On seeing and being seen (a little more Squam love) by Christina Rosalie

Here are few more of my favorite images from my time at Squam last week. It's hardly possible to do anything more than simply post them. They capture the way I saw the moments, the golden light, the magic of those days.

All I can really say is that my time at Squam was just enough.

Just enough time to become a parenthesis, a pause from the exuberance and rushingness of little boys and busy life.

Just enough time to find myself, between arrival and departure, just still, at the end of a dock watching as the yellow sun became golden and the lake lit with the color of the heavens.

Just enough time to lie under a storm tossed sky while Jonatha played her guitar to the gathering gulls, and to us--the women around me, gathered there with big hearts and bigger courage; with gorgeous souls, incredible stories; with wild hair and vivacious dance moves; with laughter and wonder and delight.

Just enough time to feel my heart swell big in gratitude.

Oh yes.