My Image upload plugin still doesn't work. I have so many pictures and art to share, but it will all have to wait until later in the weekend when I can devote time to such things. I stumbled through the past two days quite well. I was asleep last night by 9:30, utterly exhausted. Tonight, not much better, but my students had a solid first two days and Bean and I had a wonderful early evening hiking the perimeter of our land: watching monarchs, picking crabapples, eating the last wild black berries, checking out frogs, and pointing at crickets. So good to spend some quality one-on-one time with the little guy, who by the way, is growing SO FAST. I have so many funny Bean stories to tell, but, like the art/photos, they are pushed to the back burner until I've had oh, twelve hours of sleep and a stack of pancakes. :)