In the process of perfecting the art of moon walking, I'm also becoming increasingly adept at wrangling and loving and wrestling little boys. I'm starting to understand that this is a part of my art. This almost-balance, this in-motion gesture of my life towards and away from them in the very same instant. This push-pull, this glorious mess and abundance of giggles, this makes my creative work what it is.
Here it is, friends, an in-progress list of little boy awesomeness:
* Mud is meant to be played in. Let them. Let the laundry pile up. No one will remember clean laundry; mud monsters on the other hand: totally epic.
* Sink play: faucet on low; funnels, teapots, turkey basters, measuring cups. Science happens here: sink and float, cause and effect. Also, dinner can get pulled together around them. Just remember put towels down first.
* Extra bubbles in the bathtub. So what if their hair doesn’t ever get perfectly clean? There’s always next time.
* Make soup. Give them sharp implements and let them help chop. A 2 yr. old can do a number on zucchini with a butter knife. Also: they’re more careful than you’d think, and growing boys who turn into men who can cook = awesome.
* New couches are overrated. Keep the one you have. Buy throw pillows. Let them build forts. Cardboard boxes are also amazing.
* Chocolate ice cream cones. Yes, let it melt everywhere. If you think ahead, bring wipes. If not, extra napkins + a little water works wonders.
* Let them climb trees. The rules: don’t climb up where you can’t get down yourself; only hold onto branches bigger than your wrist; use both hands.
* Keep cardboard boxes, toilet paper tubes, etc. Supply scissors, duct tape, markers. Instant rocket ship, submarine, motor boat, race car.
* Take a walk with big sticks. Poke things. Draw in the dirt. They wont poke their eyes out. Sword fighting may occur. The only rule: no running.
* Say yes. Keep a marble jar. Point out the positives. Move on.
+++ Now I want to hear your favorite life with kids discoveries. What are your standbys for keeping small people happy while achieving a busy life. Ready, set, go!